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In Memory

Theodore Frank Ejdys - Class Of 1938

Theodore Frank Ejdys


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08/11/10 08:44 PM #1    

Virginia Boyd (Whyte) (1941)




                    IN LOVING MEMORY OF THEODORE FRANK EJDYS            

         On December 22, 1944, Ted Ejdys was assigned to the 84th Infantry Division. After basic training at Camp Blanding in Florida, Ted was sent to Germany. In 1945, he was promoted to the rank of Private First Class and he was awarded a COMBAT INFANTRYMAN BADGE. 

           On April 5, 1945, he lost his life while fighting for our Country. On April 30, 1949, his body was brought back to the United States in the World War II, Repatriation Program and was placed in the BEVERLY NATIONAL CEMETERY in New Jersey.

                                                             submitted by Virginia Boyd (Ejdys) Whyte '41



























































































































































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